Flexible Programs for Your Business

Whether you are dealing with a new challenge, or one that seems to be recurring and repetitive, Jericho Counselling can build a solution that will lead to timely results. While admittedly, there are personnel issues that took years to develop and will therefore take at least several months to change, there are many challenges that can be addressed in as little as a few individual counselling sessions.

If your business has concerns about employees who are struggling with Anger Management issues, Stress, Conflict Management, and Mental Health, we can help by providing:

  • In-Person Counselling
  • Telephone-based Counselling
  • Mediation and Conflict Resolution
  • Group Workshops at your office or ours
  • Issue Specific Consulting with Management

We offer Annual Programs for your business, in addition to Stand Alone solutions, as you need them.

Call today at 604 · JERICHO (537 · 4246) to find out more about how we can help make a difference in your business. You can also email us at solutions@jerichocounselling.com to learn more.

Contact us for your First Complimentary Consultation

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